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Team Brochure

U-19 Patriots Aged Out - Two Time State Cup Champs!

Head Coach Lula Bauer

LMVSC Patriots Team Brochure
Click Here for PDF Version

Coach Lula Bauer: 



Future Tournaments: 






PDA Tournament Results: 1 win/2 ties

WAGS Spring 2011 Results: 3 wins/3 ties

Patriots Journey  

The U-18 (fall 2011 and spring 2012)  LMVSC Patriots will compete in the Washington Area Girls Soccer League (WAGS) Premier Division for elite teams. The Patriots train year round and the team focus for the remainder of the Patriots journey will be Virginia State Cup competition and college showcase tournaments until graduation. Currently ranked number 4 in the state of Virginia on "got soccer"! 

Work Ethic  

LMVSC Patriots train year round and compete in four or five college showcase tournaments each season, winter indoor soccer or training, summer team camps (local and away) and Virginia State Cup.
Coach Bauer develops her players to achieve their highest possible level of play. She volunteers her time to the team to assist her players in reaching their personal goals both on and off the field.

 Patriots Awarded WAGS Sportsmanship Award Premier Bracket - Fall 2010

LMVSC Patriots were awarded the WAGS Sportsmanship award for Fall 2010. This award recognizes teams for their superior sportsmanship. The Patriots were selected by the other teams within their division - consisting of 19 teams!  


 Patriots State Cup Record


Virginia State Cup Champions Spring 2006 (8 v 8)
Quarter-finalists Spring 2007
Quarter-finalists Spring 2008
Quarter-finalists Fall 2008
Quarter-finalist Fall 2009
Quarter-finalist Fall 2010

LMVSC Patriots Tryout Announcement:
LMVSC Patriots are seeking several field players in all positions to fill out the roster for 2012. Please contact Coach Lula Bauer if you are interested in attending a training session or learning more about the team.
Assistant Coach: Bob McEntire 
Team Manager: Kim Beals

Patriots Scrimmage A Moroccan International Team

Bob Waffle, who coordinated the scrimmage between the two teams writes:
"...a smile and a good attitude can reach across even the widest of language and cultural barriers. Running the lines during the scrimmage, I heard smatterings of Arabic, French, Spanish and English, but mostly I saw smiles and friendly gestures, good competition but good sportmanship, and much laughing and even singing."
"This is an experience I’ll never forget!" Commented several of the Patriot players. 






December 31, 2011 – January 3, 2012 - Disney College Showcase, ORLANDO FLORIDA

Nov. 18-20, 2011 CASL Girls Showcase Tournament (Raleigh, North Carolina) - FINALIST
November 11, 12 & 13th: Bethesda College Showcase, Bethesda, MD

October 8 - 10 - WAGS Tournament - Semi Finalist